Let's continue after the wideband with the suspected other trait, we do not know what this is, we do not know for sure what's going on.
I have tried to get breeders involved but with the high prices for those super pale cats, not many seem to be interested in finding anything out.

For a couple of years, we were tricked into believing that the wideband trait was in fact recessive, this is not the fact.
I was wrong others with me were wrong, but as we all do with breeding, no matter how long we are doing this, we always learn new things. But the wideband that we talked about in the previous article is Dominant.
Please do not use the term shaded carrier or golden carrier there is no such thing as a "carrier" of wideband!!! 

Well, let's get into this, first of all, everyone seems to call those shaded or even shell, however, this is likely another trait.
This is what everything points to, these colors/patterns should have names of their own. In this article, I will call them Extreme Smoke and Extreme Silver.

At first, when I started my investigation (which is far from finished), at first I thought that the one responsible was Aloa Nifty Wolf, many started to call this "Nifty-Silver", he was one of the first with quite pale smoke, not as much as those today but a lot paler than normal smoke. But I soon realized that there must be someone behind him. I and some other breeders looked further back and came to the conclusion that this must be from Belushies Utah. However, since we realized that this trait seem to be recessive and a lot of cats did not have either Belushies Utah nor Aloa NiftyWolf doubled behind them I had to continue the search.

It's a bit early and I do not like to put a name out there this soon but for the sake of the article and for the sake of understanding I think I have to even if I feel it's a bit early. So here it comes. And no blame game please remember mutations happen all the time and I would think that this is just a normal mutation, possibly caused by the Corin gene (the same gene "family" as the wbbsh and wbsib the two genes found causing Copper/Flaxen Gold in BSH/BLH as well as Sunshine/Bimetal in SIB). 

What I found when researching was a cat named Coonshine Skagway, he had his first litter in 2000, and at first, nothing happened (at least as far as we know of, I'm researching photos of these first old cats). It took about 17 years but then something happened, maybe it was just that no one noticed when a very pale cat showed up, or maybe they started to double those lines even more, and it became more obvious. I do not know but it's very obvious that something happened, at this time because at the same time, the Extreme Silver showed up, the Extreme Smoke also showed up. Let's talk more about ExtremeSmoke a bit later.


Below is a graph I went through every single cat registered as 11, 12 as well as xy 21, 22, 23,24, 25, 11, and 12, looked behind every single cat and checked if CS (short for CoonshineSkagway) was behind on both sides, one side or not at all.
As you can see, around 2016-2017 something happened while the cats with wideband cats behind (CS on only one side or not at all), stayed static, the cats with CS behind on both sides(often 6-26 times in 10-12 generations), skyrocketed.

 Cats registered Shaded Shell or Goldvariants CS both sides or CS on or not at all behind


Below is an example of a cat who is Extreme Smoke

 ExtremSmoke 01  ExtremSmoke 02

 Pictures used with permission from the owner

I have recently seen at Messybeast, that Petgeno in China found extremely pale cats that carry none of the newly found genes that code for silver, ERVs, and SINEs. It seems like they call this recessive silver, however, I'm not sure that's correct, that would mean that those cats became silver with no silver parent and that does not seem to be the case if I understood it correctly. I strongly believe that this might be caused by the same thing I suspect in this article, which is a recessive trait giving extremely pale smoke and silver agouti. What this is, is still to be known.

I will continue the update of this article if and when I learn more.

If you have a cat who is "Extreme smoke", and you would like to help out with this.
Please contact me! I need pictures of the cat as well as DNA confirming non-agouti and the pedigree of the cat.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By: Malin Sundqvist