Malin Sundqvist
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My name is Malin Sundqvist and I register my Catteryname Dagdrivarn and had my first litter in 1998 so more then 20 years ago.
I started out with Cornish Rex, but moved on to Maine Coon in 2004, had my first litter in 2005.
I was one of the lucky ones, I got a fantastic mentor who helped me a lot, when I changed breed I got a new mentor with a lot of knowledge.
Pretty quickly I got involved in the Health Program for Maine Coon, which then was handled by Maine Coon-Katten, i become the HD-registrator.
I continued with that for 7 years and then I took a break, almost quit breeding, but changed my mind and started again.
Now I handle the Outcross-list and Translationcoordination, I'm also helping out registrating the HCM-results and help out adding pedigrees for
the Sphynxbreed into PP.
I started writing articles and soon I got a bookshelf on my homepage containing a lot of articles, so I registered this domain and continued to fill the
bookshelf with articles. Then I talked to Debbie and Pecky and decided to remodule the page so that we could have more maintainers and translate
the articles to more different languages.
If you are interested in participat with translations, just send me an email on:Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. When it comes to my breeding I have tested inside the health program since 2005, I work with outcross and try to keep the genetic diversity high.
I recently started to breed for color in some extent, please keep in mind I do NOT recommend this for new breeders, you have to be really, really
experienced and also got a LOT of patience to be able to keep that balancing-act going, to select for color while you still do not jeopardize all other
important things like health, the clones, the temper, the genetic diverity and the type. Since I got a lot of years breeding behind me I decided to give
it a try, so now I work for Shaded/Shell and Golden.