How long is the incubation period for Chlamydia?
The incubation period (the time between infection and development of clinical signs of disease) is between three and ten days, but can be up to 2 weeks.
What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in cats?
The first symptoms of chlamydia infection in cats are a watery discharge from the eyes and excessive squinting. The inner eyelids and whites of the eyes may become inflamed, and, as the infection worsens, the discharge typically changes from clear and watery to thick and yellowish or greenish-yellow.
How long does Chlamydia live in the environment?
Because chlamydia lives inside cells of the body and is not able to survive for long in the environment, the spread of infection relies on direct or close contact with an infected cat.
For how long is a cat contagious when having Chlamydia?
The signs are most severe 9 to 13 days after onset and then subside over 2 to 3 weeks. In some cats, however, signs can last for weeks despite treatment, and recurrence is not uncommon. Untreated cats can spread the infection to other cats for months after infection.
Can cats get Chlamydia twice?
Yes, if they get infected again.
How common is Chlamydia in cats?
Chlamydophila infection is relatively common in cats, and it may be a cause of up to 30% of cases of chronic (long-term) conjunctivitis.
How do you disinfect Chlamydia?
Just normal cleaning, Chlamydia won't last long outside the body and normal cleaning is enough. 
How long does Chlamydia last?
The signs are most severe 9 to 13 days after onset and then subside over 2 to 3 weeks.
How do you treat Chlamydia in cats?
Antibiotics are typically administered to treat chlamydia in cats.
Tetracycline is typically administered. If chlamydia affects only your cat's eyes, then topical antibiotics, applied directly to the eyes themselves, may successfully treat the infection.
Can Chlamydia in cats be cured?
Yes successfully with antibiotics or eyedrops. 

Is Chlamydia fatal?
It is rarely fatal but can be a real problem because the symptoms may be very difficult to clear up.
How to prevent Chlamydia?
The best way is to make sure to keep a new cat in quarantine for 3 weeks.

The feline chlamydia vaccine is considered a non-core vaccine, meaning it is an optional vaccine that cats may benefit from based on their risk for exposure to the disease. Several feline chlamydiosis vaccines are available, all of which have been tested and found to be safe and effective when administered as directed.