All breeders on this list state that they do test their cats, if they do test inside the health program, you can easily check the results of the parents on PawPeds. Please remember to check yourself and to always demand to see tests done outside the health program.
Remember recommendation is to NOT breed degree 2 or 3 on one or both hips! 
Recommendations HD
Recommendations HCM

To be part of this page fill in the form, note that you must have a website, and preferably the cats entered into PawPeds, let me know if you need help entering the cats.

(HD, HCM by screening, as well as DNA, PK, SMA, and HCM 1, Webpage not FB is mandatory to be listed)

The G-courses are just to inform those who search if you participated, nothing more, it's just an easy Yes or No answer.

If you like to be added please send an email to: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Use this template:
Cattery name:
Homepage, not FB:
Participated in G1, G2, and G3: 
Testing HD? If outside HP send the test results of the cats at home right now or link to their result in the OFA list:
Testing HCM (screening)? If outside HP send the test results of the cats at home right now:
HCM1 (Yes):
PK (Yes):
SMA (Yes):


This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of every breeder who tests for HD and HCM, there is a lot more and it's up to the breeders to let us know they want to be part of this list.

To the best of our knowledge, these catteries are currently testing for both HD and HCM, a cattery not listed does not mean they do not test for HD and HCM, they may not even be aware of the existence of this list.

We cannot accept responsibility for transactions conducted as a result of contact through this list. The breeders and the individuals and organizations they deal with carry all responsibility for such interactions and any and all consequences.

For the breeders testing outside the Health Program, please make sure to always ask to see the test results from the parents. We have no possibility to check for the correctness of the results of every single cat. Note that HCM by screening shall be done regularly.

We strongly advise you to always check recent references on breeders you wish to obtain a cat from.  People change, those that were ethical and responsible breeders in the past may no longer meet these standards today. Those who were testing their cats in the past may no longer do this. It is impossible for us to check and recheck references on each breeder listed, so it may be that some that are listed are most certainly not the ones that we would recommend you buy a kitten from.



Outcross-breeders, the majority of the matings from these catteries is within the guidelines for an outcross.

50% or less of the top5-cats  (average 65-70%) or
35% or less of the top3-cats (average 50-55%) or
25% or less of the top2-cats (average 35-40%) or
20% or less of the clones (average 30-35%)  


Europe countries

   Cattery  G1, G2, G3 Outcross  Test with PawPeds  HD   HCM-Ultrasound
  Van de Kerselaar G1, G2, G3 Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Tiponis   Yes Yes PP  PP Yes Yes Yes
  Chamberlain       OFA PP Yes Yes Yes
  Rotcat       OFA or PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Wiiselin     Yes  PP  PP  Yes  Yes Yes 
  Mualimannavan  G1 Yes Yes  PP PP Yes  Yes  Yes 
  Chatterie du Domaine d’Eliko G1   Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Carolina's Kattenkribbe   Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Col's G1 Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Macadamia G1, G2, G3 Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Stella Del Mattino G1, G2 Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Xabrendo's G1 Starting Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  ArtemisLynx  G1 listed for G2 Yes Yes PP or OFA PP Yes Yes Yes
  Aloha Popoki G1, G2   Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Biscaya BigPawz G1, G2, G3 Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Dagdrivarn  G1, G2, G3  Yes  Yes   PP PP  Yes   Yes  Yes 
  Den Vackra       PP PP/Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
  Ellas Kustkatt       OFA PP Yes Yes Yes
  Magyls   Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Mångravs   Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Pearlcoons G1  Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Taschanas G1, G2, G3 Yes   OFA PP Yes Yes Yes
  Trollungen G1 Yes Yes  PP  PP Yes  Yes  Yes 
  Neptunuskatten's   Yes Yes PP PP Yes Yes Yes
  Vettekatten G1, G2, G3     OFA PP Yes Yes Yes
  Alterskjaer G1, G2 Yes Yes PP PP  Yes Yes Yes
  Iskierka        Outside PP Outside PP Yes  Yes  Yes 
  Artsycats  G1, G2     PP Outside PP Yes  Yes  Yes 
  FriendlyGhost G1, G2      PP  Outside PP  Yes  Yes  Yes 


New South Wales, 

AU  Cattery  G1, G2, G3 Outcross   Test with PawPeds HD    HCM-Ultrasound PK   SMA HCM1 
  Coonmagic G1, G2, G3     Outside PP Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
  Coolcoons G1      Outside PP Outside PP Yes Yes  Yes 


British Columbia

  Cattery G1, G2, G3 Outcross Test with PawPeds HD  HCM-Ultrasound PK SMA HCM1
   MasterWeaver   Yes    OFA / Outside specialist Outside PP  Yes  Yes  Yes 
  Ravenspurr   G1, listed for G2     OFA  Outside PP Yes  Yes  Yes 


California, Colorado, Ilinois, Missouri, MichiganSouth Carolina, North Carolina, PennsylvaniaWashington State

US   Cattery G1, G2, G3   Outcross  Test with PawPeds  HD   HCM-Ultrasound PK  SMA  HCM1 
  HappyTrills G1, G2, G3     OFA Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
  SebagoMist   Yes   OFA Outside PP      
CA Noble Manes       Outside PP   Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
  SpiritHill   Yes   PP/Outside PP Outside PP Most Yes Yes
  Star Studded       Outside PP Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
IL Chemicoons       PP  Outside PP  Yes  Yes  Yes 
  SoulShine       OFA Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
  Fraser’s Felines       Outside PP Outside PP Yes Yes Yes
  Brushy Kreek Coons G1, listed for G2     OFA Outside HP Yes Yes Yes
  LeadyPaw  Listed G1     OFA  OFA  Yes  Yes  Yes 
  Lake View Coons G1, G2, listed for G3 Yes    OFA   OFA Yes Yes  Yes 
  Coon’s Ransom        OFA  Outside PP  Yes Yes  Yes 
        OFA  Outside PP    Yes  Yes Yes
  Sun O’er Sea Cattery Listed G1      OFA  OFA  Yes  Yes  Yes